The STEM Academic Centers offers tutoring to all SAC students taking STEM courses.
Tutors can assist students with the following courses:
- Algebra (Pre-Cal)
- Calculus I, II, III
- Differential Equations
- Physics
- Engineering
- General Biology
- Microbiology
- Anatomy + Physiology I + II
- General Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry I + II
Aside from individual tutoring sessions, tutors also facilitate numerous workshops to help students with their academic coursework. Some of the workshops include the following:
- STEM Notetaking
- Time Management
- Study Tips
- Test Axiety
- How To Prepare For Cumulative Finals
For more information about tutoring availability or to schedule an appointment contact the tutors via email
or sac-tutoring@866kq.com
Last Updated: July 14, 2023